Why reconciliation is impossible
. Democrats are not the party of Bill Clinton
Despite claims that the Democrat party is slightly left of center suggesting they more or less moderate, as a group they moved left after Bill Clinton left office.
This is not taking into account the party’s far left faction that is likely to demand major concessions in the coming months.
Not forgetting BLM and AntiFa also want a cut for delivering the party their vote and have said as much.
In reality, Dems are the descendants of the children of the 1960’s Revolution so they committed to finishing what was started fifty plus years ago.
. Not politics as usual but everything is political
While everything is political, even the sacred, this is a cataclysmic clash of worldviews (civilizations) and even though governments have been secular since the enlightenment it is the west’s Christian heritage liberals intend to relegate to the trashcan of history.
Liberals approve of secularist religion wrapped up in a Christian veneer and stamped contemporary culture compliant, with anything less off the table.
. It’s all about the Rhetoric
Demonizing opponents through exaggerated rhetoric, name-calling and slander is not conducive to good relations, ever.
This tactic renders words meaningless stripping them of power while it takes the focus off those throwing the poo, but this is pretty much the idea.
And the good thing about name calling is anyone can do it, no one side gets to monopolize the sport, so you say Nationalist Socialist I say Soviet Socialist, sticks and stones and all that.
. A bad idea is never good
Dems are happy with contradictions and so often try to justify the unjustifiable.
The norm is to disregard bad ideas not justify them; blacklists to punish political opponents, a Democrat idea that is the rage right now, is a form of mob justice against people one does not like.
So-called violations of the law are best left to independent courts to rule on not old style Bolsheviks with an axe to grind.
That and it sets precedents they might not like.
. Cold War 2.0
While there doubts about another civil war, the US is definitely in the throes of an internal cold war.
Instead of armies by day, it is subversives by night as JFK postulated.
This time round the cold war is between two main factions inside the U.S., those intent on bringing about revolution and those who resist.
US revolutionaries are trapped in a time warp dating back to the cold war between Russia and the US, except it’s not Soviets but white Russians hiding behind every bush, when it’s not real life US Nazis.
It’s funny they went quiet when the Russians were on their side before they apparently changed hands to side with the ‘right’ and Donald Trump.
Just because Russia has an Oligarchy, a Russian Orthodox Church and opposes western cultural norms does not make them rightwing.
The US has the same dynamics at play, which proves…, the US left is trying to link Russia with US conservatives for the sake of political expediency.
It is a fraud in other words; with their reasoning skills piss poor, while they lack the introspection to realize they have become the Soviets they’ve always dreamed about.
It looks as if Russia won the cold war back in the day but we seeing its fruits unfold in the US only now.
. The Nietzschean Weakening of the Humanities
A radical approach to the humanities is the symptom of a much more problematic malady according to one analyst.
It has become instead, a Freudian appraisal of the senses, followed by ‘critical theories’ that find their roots in cultural Marxism and postmodernist thought.
. Resentment Rules the Roost
Resentment is defined as a combination of; anger, envy, hate, rage, and revenge and it motivates all political action on the left.