Why Georgia Run-offs Won’t Favor Dems
With the most contentious US election to date done and dusted, at least sort of, all eyes now focus on the Georgia Senate run-offs in early January with the stakes huge for both parties.
As it stands, Republicans hold 50 seats and Democrats 48 with the remaining two held by left leaning independents certain to vote in coalition with Dems if it comes to that.
Democrats hope to gain the two Georgia seats to achieve a 50–50 tie in the Senate giving them more control over Supreme Court picks and the power to thwart Republicans whenever they can.
More Dem judges are the key to enact legislation and accomplish goals at the same time it guarantees Joe Biden will not be a lame duck president.
One thing’s certain; Republicans will do their level best to hold onto these seats to preserve their party’s interests.
All the hypocritical wailing over Republican Party judges comes to naught when you realize it’s code for; don’t you dare pack the court that’s our job.
If given the chance Dems will increase the current number of Supreme Court vacancies considerably having said as much.
It’s ironic a Republican victory on January 5 may well be in the hands of a political group that’s been the backbone of Southern states like Georgia for so long, the yellow dog Democrats.
Their name stems from a slogan along the lines of; will vote for a yellow dog before voting in a non-Democrat, in other words never.
Traditionally they made-up the Democrat’s economic base, they were ‘labor’ Democrats the unionized coal miners, factory workers and the like, Dems sans the cultural baggage.
While some may have switched party allegiance over the years as the political landscape changed, this ‘Democrats only’ group began to split the vote still voting Democrat in national elections but voting Republican at local level.
These yellow dog Democrats are not on board with globalization with its threat to the nation’s jobs or the liberal pro-immigration stance of the contemporary left because they won’t vote against their own interests, why would they?
The constant vilifying of the South by Democrat leaders and their supporters will not endear them to this group either; and you can take this to the bank.
Overall, this group does not identify with the cultural bent and political direction of the modern left and the results will reflect where it counts, at the local polls.