What a Stupid Time to Live In.
Do you see what I did there?
All it took was to swap the word interesting with the word stupid in the title, but notice how it instantly changed the tone.
Like the life was sucked out at that moment and all that is left is the feeling of bleh. It feels off in a menacing kind of way I reckon.
Because that is what stupid does.
While truth is hard it is still truth. I suppose you could say I have depressed myself; and how about you?
I believe there is nothing to be optimistic over what we seeing, or not seeing, on the world stage right now; it is in fact all a mirage.
War can be many things and a distraction from what is really going on with a la Russia-Ukraine one of them.
People are stupid no doubt about it, all this ra-ra from the sidelines for their team. Then there are the long and painful explanations about a situation they think they have a handle on. It would be funny if it was not so tragic; or dare I say it stupid.
People ignore what is in front of their faces because they don’t like it; and chose to believe their own hot air instead.
The problem is they stuck on their own hype and why would they not be when they drink from its cup every day.
They tend to obsess over the wrong things like they always do.
This is what happens when people are trained to drool on cue.
Yes you people symbolically waving your stupid flags in support of what you don’t know. I am looking at you.
The world stands on the cusp of great change and all the stupid can do is focus on false minutia. This is a manufactured wild goose chase is what it is.
We have to focus on what is the story behind the story in the media. What are they trying to say, or cover for, are good guidelines when trying to sort fact from fiction?
The spirit of Zeitgeist is at work which should explain a lot. Can you say delusion for me?
When wading through the news judgement not mere assent is what is called for.
And judgment requires knowledge, there has to be a basis or you have nothing. Memes will not help you.
Now I’ll prove what I see as a good example of the rotten fruit put out there in the mainstream.
What is the story with the Germans and the Russians? Anyone?
This may seem like a small thing to some, but it is part of a wide geopolitical issue; this is where discernment pays off. It is what you call a big fish behind a tawdry meme, just hear me out.
But I am getting ahead of myself.
First, pro-Russian protests have kicked off in Germany. As anyone in the know knows; there are a lot of cultural ties between Germany and Russia that go way back. A good many of them speak each-others languages.
On top of this there are more than a few million German speakers residing in Eastern Europe.
There is a lot more to this story though.
In what seemed like five minutes later Russian speaking Germans were warned not to fall for propaganda.
And the reason; the Kremlin was putting out false information about the Ukraine war. Are you the least bit curious about where this came from? I mean really came from; because it sure as hell wasn’t the German government. Whose chains are they trying to jerk because seriously. Germany has not been in control of its news since World War Two; the West vets everything they print. West Germans needed permission for everything; well maybe not to go to the bathroom, but you get the idea.
This brings up the big issue I mentioned.
To cut a long story short, this all plays into historic fears of a Russian German alliance. Hang; it is the cornerstone of current US foreign policy.
It is central to everything you could say.
It is the boogeyman of the Anglo American Empire, one that keeps it up at night. And just why is this?
For the reason it threatens their interests. Read power.
And so the Russians and German have to be kept apart at all costs.
Contemporary society can be likened to the proverbial Hollow Man; a man of straw without shape or substance. And a dark vacuum.
Which is ironic really, when you consider how they love the term strawman.
Did I forget to mention these are stupid times to live in?
Well then; I will just have to say it again for posterity.