Ann Carriage
8 min readOct 17, 2018


Uprising against Trump

The Open Coup Against Donald Trump

Former President Barrack Obama fired the first salvo in his midterm message address at the Illinois Urbana-Champaign University criticizing Republicans as paranoid, divisive and resentful.

He also seized the opportunity to take a side swipe at the Trump Administration questioning; what’s happened to the Republican Party?

In an obvious reference to Trump he said demagogues promise simple fixes for big problems.

While Obama’s speech was a classic example of political grandstanding it was nothing short of provocative in the current climate.

Although Republicans are nonplussed Obama’s joined the midterm fray he did imply on leaving the White House he wasn’t abandoning politics so he’s being true to form.

Admittedly a big-gun non- candidate campaigning on behalf of the party at this point is somewhat surreal.

At stake in these elections are the votes in the U.S Congress — The House of Representatives and the Senate that if won by Democrats would make Commander- in- Chief Donald Trump a lame duck president hamstrung by the opposition.

Although both parties consider themselves resisters it’s really the establishment that’s The Resistance according to one analyst and many would agree.

It’s basically that old order of elites joined by self- styled radicals of all stripes against we the people.

Much noise is made about the Democrats not being the party of JFK but the reality’s worse — neither are they the party of Bill Clinton which just shows what eight short years of Obama’s rule have accomplished.

Democrats opposing Donald Trump don’t just disagree over his policies but consider his conservative supporters illegitimate unconstitutional outlaws so underhanded tactics against them are a- for- ok.

The gist of it is the two parties inhabit different moral universes with two contrasting worldviews with this a clash of civilizations rather than a straightforward political contest.

For the conservative wing of the Republican party fighting for political survival — just like in any fierce conflict — enemies are everywhere both inside and outside the camp.

That Anonymous Letter

In an op-ed in the New York Times an anonymous author described himself and some of his colleagues as working from within to frustrate parts of President Trump’s agenda and worst inclinations.

Emphasizing “ours is not the popular resistance of the left” we want the administration to succeed but our first duty is to the country.

According to the New York Times’s editorial department they’ve identified this person as a senior official in the Trump Administration who is known to them so disclosing his name would put his job in jeopardy.

The whole episode raises more questions and speculations than answers.

If the author expected to be taken seriously why did he choose to remain anonymous?

Why did he decide to go public with the information — why use the New York Times as an intermediary? The far left news rag or ‘The Grey Lady’ isn’t known for balanced bipartisan political coverage so why would allies of the current Administration stoop to provide ammunition to the enemy all in the interests of exposing Trump?

Also the timing is suspect with elections just around the corner.

The dissenters could just as well have resigned sparing themselves a difficult task in the long run.

Ruling out the possibility the NYT concocted the whole affair — no it’s not as unbelievable as it sounds- what conclusions can be drawn?

A lion doesn’t need to roar to prove himself- if these Trump resisters are doing such a great job keeping the administration chugging along why the need to advertise AND in such an odd manner.

Why not carry on quietly about their business holding the fort until the next election?

The anonymous author and his colleagues say they support the Republican administration but as its leader’s a crock they believe their corrective actions stabilize the White House even as the op-ed leak destabilizes the country.

These tactics are characteristic of either senior military or intelligence operatives who pledge support for a party but at the same time use damaging leaks to discredit them in other ways under cover of anonymity.

Individuals who’re connected to the administration in any way and responsible for such leaks can be charged on counts of conspiracy to commit sedition against a legitimate government.

It’s the reason why mum’s the word in this case.

This episode is just a continuation of the Spy Gate shenanigans ratcheted up at a few notches.

Derailing Trump’s Supreme Court Nominees

Brett Kavanagh’s currently fighting for his career and reputation as a nominee to the Supreme Court amidst charges of sexual impropriety.

The number of accusers and their allegations change on a daily basis as this vicious fight rages and Dems employ delaying tactics to postpone Judge Kavanagh’s appointment till after the midterm elections- or better yet waylay his nomination altogether.

The Supreme Court has been the turf of the left since the 1990’s which helped advance the progressive cause with unelected and unaccountable judges usurping the functions of democracy bypassing the executive and legislature and sidelining the electorate.

The judiciary is seen as a strategic political tool by both parties so there’s a dilemma for progressives when they’re outnumbered by conservative judges where they fear their agenda may be hindered.

The rumor mill has it the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanagh is really about how his appointment will affect abortion rights — even rolling them back — a ridiculous idea — but nevertheless Kavanagh’s conservatism AND Catholicism appears a double whammy for his opponents.

The Supreme Court looks to be the new battleground between Republicans and Democrats with the prospect of fulltime security on the cards for judges and future nominees- even majority Republicans on the Senate Judicial Committee and their staff- due to threats by radicals against them and their families if the Kavanagh affair is any example.

For those who still believe politics isn’t at the heart of it a New York Times article entitled; The Democratic dream; Defeat Kavanagh, win senate and stop Trump’s Supreme Court picks refers.

Brian Fallon a former spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign and a confidante of Senator Chuck Schumer openly lays out the plan in an interview with the NYT admitting the Brett Kavanagh destruction project is part of a high stake, two step strategy to thwart Trump.

As the article points out there’s a risk Trump may not get to install any conservative candidate if things run according to plan.

Another interesting fact that emerged from the interview is Brian Fallon started a group called ‘Demand Justice’ to fight the Judicial nominations of conservatives.

Is a Bureaucratic Coup Underway?

People like McCabe, Page, Ohr and Stzrok tried to tip the 2016 election in Clinton’s favor and when their efforts were unsuccessful worked tirelessly to undermine Trump afterward.

Besides the FBI- the Department of Justice maybe complicit in this bureaucratic coup at the highest level with it reported Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed ousting Trump using the 25th amendment of the constitution offering to wear a wire to record conversations with the President.

Rosenstein has flatly denied the allegations but even so we know justice officials number among the line-up of Trump resisters and who knows from where else.

If the bureaucracy isn’t taking orders from the executive any longer government has broken down and the country’s ungovernable with this scenario discussed two years ago.

Outright Rebellion

High ranking Democrat representatives sent a letter ordering Intelligence agencies to ignore Trump’s declassification order concerning the Russian Investigation until they had consulted with Congress and even worse they reportedly cut deals with Trump Intel officials behind his back.

Apparently Trump has backtracked giving into pressure by the DOJ who warned him releasing the documents could have a negative impact on Robert Mueller’s probe-what- is that still even a thing?

Trump also said key allies- but he didn’t say who- called him asking him not to release the information.

What are the chances the whole issue’s been misappropriated by Trump resisters who’ve managed to twist his arm ensuring this declassification never gets off the ground?

Or perhaps expect a doctored slow drip of information at best.

The Vultures Circle

Old players who should have bowed out post the 2016 election results are back in force.

Not only has Barrack Obama hit the campaign trail but Hilary Clinton as well with the pair’s every move and comment given wide coverage by the press.

Another blast from the past- George Bush of the crime family by the same name- came out of hiding to join forces with Trump resisters as rumors circulated he plans to re-enter the political arena.

Strange Times indeed.

The REAL Resistance

Much has been made by Trump’s opponents that he’s immoral unfit to govern yada yada.

But that’s not the issue by a long shot- Dems EXPECTED to win the 2016 election and were outraged when it never happened.

That’s the reason for their wrath-they can’t admit to being bad losers who disrespect the electoral process as that would be telling wouldn’t it?

Okay- they do have it in for the Electoral College when it works against them but……………

The resisters are the conservative Republicans- Traditional Liberals and Libertarians who’re the counter revolutionaries of the story.

The Democrats have become the party of their 1960’s ancestors- their revolutionary parents and grandparents- who never completed the job of remaking American society in their own image.

The antagonism between themselves and conservatives was evident long before Trump- again something the progressive liberals won’t admit to.

So polarization’s steadily been on the up and up for years but an observable change occurred in the year 2012 when the battle lines were drawn.

Obama was aiming for a second term of office-the resisters were disillusioned and angry and said so fueling the ire of pro-Obama supporters because the idea these spoilers were out to thwart their man and his agenda voting him out en masse was unbearable.

The year 2016 was a repeat exercise only this time Hilary Clinton was their woman who’d make it all happen.

But no- the election of Donald Trump laid waste to their plans and their hostility became red-hot fury.

Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man

Those who understand the way the world works -especially politics- know there’s no finger of fate involved- there’re no coincidences either- everything’s about strategizing- so where does Trump fit in the picture?

The backers of Manchurian candidate Barrack Obama knew their agenda wouldn’t resonate with everyone but likely divide the U.S. down the middle.

But the growing resistance threatened their plans so they produced another shorter term one- in a hurry.

Just like Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man.

A way had to be found to channel opposing frustrations to control it.

Going by what we understand of controlled oppositions- Trump is likely just that.

If he’s controlled he’s a pawn and corrupted- it’s really that simple.

If Trump is a short term solution to a long term problem guaranteed he won’t be President for long.

So those who stake their hopes on him have been blindsided only to be let down.

Maybe this coup is part of the plan to get rid of him sooner- while the next chess move is worked out- like a consolidation of power?

This may seem like a side issue but it’s telling- CNS News says the GOP and Trump are still massively funding Planned Parenthood.

Another source says Trump signed a massive $1.3 spending bill ending ‘pay to slay’ but still funding Planned Parenthood.

And there’s still no dam Wall ………………………………………..



Ann Carriage

Political animal, interested in the story behind the story. A concepts driven individual.