Showdown Looms
The US Presidential Election is done but it seems not quite dusted just yet.
Still to come are the Georgia Senate run-offs on Tuesday followed by Congress certifying the 2020 Electoral College Votes on Wednesday; a formality that wraps up the electoral process and ushers in a new Administration.
At least that used to be the procedure until now.
This year Republicans in both chambers will contest the count of Electoral College Votes citing election irregularities, voter fraud and failure to follow state election laws.
About 50 Republican Representatives and 12 Senators will contest the Electoral College Votes according to one report.
Even if Democrats manage to achieve victories in Georgia, the action by Republicans could nullify the election results pending a full audit of the electoral processes so everything is at stake.
Proving just how high the stakes are the Washington Post released a recorded phone call Trump made to the Georgia Republican Secretary of State on January 2, said to be leaked to WAPO by the Secretary then edited at some stage to incriminate the president.
Many in the GOP ignore fraud allegations because they are career politicians who prize their jobs and the benefits that go with it above all so the game must go on unhindered.
Bureaucrats like Secretary of State Raffensperger are a dime a dozen they the veritable swamp rats that pollute everything so the never-ending ride on the gravy train trumps principals every time.
Which is why he signed off on the election results in his state despite allegations of massive fraud; he just does not give a dam and hates being challenged.
There is this sense; the country is in unchartered territory at this point and there is no turning back.
What are the chances of a successful challenge
President Donald Trump is up for the challenge in Congress on Wednesday and his chances are good according to former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell.
“The Democrats have moved from there’s not any fraud, to there’s no widespread [fraud], and now their new mantra is there is ‘not enough fraud to overturn’ the election,” Grenell told Newsmax, adding, “Everybody knows this election was full of fraud.”
“Every single time we tried to bring this to the courts they’ve been largely dismissive,” said Grenell, who helped lead Trump’s legal challenges in Nevada. “So I think that the rule of law and the process is that, on Wednesday, we get to showcase this to the politicians and see where the chips fall.”
Grenell also praised Cruz, who called for an “emergency audit” of the election results.
“He is trying every possible legal effort to highlight this fraud, so we have to get people who are willing to listen,” Grenell said.
After the challenge in Congress a two-hour debate will be held on each state before a simple majority vote is held on whether to keep or overturn the states’ electoral vote, although some legal experts have speculated that Vice President Mike Pence, who is the president of the Senate during the Joint Session, can reject slates of electors.
The next two days, also those following will be crucial and historic and anything could happen.
What about the potential for unrest, well this is always a possibility in volatile times so yes the likelihood exists.
Washington DC Major, Muriel Bowser is requesting the support of the National Guard on January 6 and since this group report directly to the President it seems a wise call.
Today a video clip showed US military troops in battle gear checking in at Atlanta Airport in Georgia so it looks like preparations are already underway.