Secular Democrats Ride Dem Party’s Coattails
The Secular Democrats have quickly become a new force on the bloc, no they not a party but a Political Action Committee (PAC) and as their name implies they are an anti-religious agency.
You could say anti-Christian but even that’s too broad a brush so let’s break it down to the bare bones; they are anti-a-specific-type of Christianity.
The Secular Democrats are not a cult of woke white boys and girls with dreads blowing bullhorns but Democrat Members of Congress determined to ride the Democrat Party’s coattails to have their demands met.
These Congressional Democrats recently sent Joe Biden’s presidential transition team a 28-page memorandum where they laid out their position on certain issues.
Some examples;
· To end government funding of all crisis pregnancy centers and abstinence-only education.
· To repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)
· Reverse the Trump administration policies that have allowed faith-based government-funded contractors to provide adoption, foster care services, and work with Congress to pass the Every Child Deserves a Family Act.
· Fully and robustly fund comprehensive sex education
· Work with governors to educate and combat Project Blitz and encourage the introduction of the Do No Harm Act at the state level.
· Incentivize states to strip parents of all non-medical exemptions to mandatory vaccinations for children in schools or daycare centers.
Now for the two big ones:
· Deny Free Speech and Religious Liberty for select Americans based on their religious beliefs.
· Purge social conservatives from all levels of government as they are all white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.
Its important to secularists that government step out and brand these people fascists et al as opposed to just plying a narrative on social media which is what they are doing.
Useful idiots brandish the term Nazi about without context or understanding, like a person with Tourettes Syndrome lets fly with random words but the latter at least have the excuse of having a brain disorder, but then again……………
Other ethnic groups who support conservativism will not be given a pass either, for convenience sake and to target them as well, they will be labelled white supremacists or white Christian Nationalist sympathizers?
To those who have followed the trajectory of the US progressive left for some time, none of this should come as a surprise and this was BEFORE the election of Donald Trump so don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
It’s straight out of the Communism 101 playbook and if the label offends, too bad, call it by another name if you wish, not that it matters because we recognize a thing when we see it, we know your works.
So just call a thing a thing and be done with.
While we know who Secular Democrats are against by now who are they for?
Well they represent the interests of secular democratic individuals and organizations or really anyone not defined as white Christian Nationalist and their allies.
They aim to mobilize non-religious voters and push for secular governance, funny that, hasn’t America always been secular.
Yes, but these people are masters of deception they not straight shooters, they cannot say what they mean because the foundation of their ideology is built on lies.
And they have to lie all the time to cover the fact they are the aggressors in the tale.
What is meant by the push for secular governance is really the push to remove the country’s traditional Christian heritage and influence, which they want gone.
The memo calls the rise of white Christian nationalism a national security threat.
The PAC recommend Biden introduce re-education programs to de-radicalize hate groups, including, but not limited to, white nationalists.
They call for increased monitoring of ‘hate’ groups especially online and for action against hate crimes toward minority faith communities, however that’s defined.
They want to shift the rhetoric, yes, rhetoric is all they know, to label violent white nationalist extremists terrorists.
They want to change current education policy to enforce the Establishment Clause in public schools and teach secular curriculum like evolution.
Billions of people study science and don’t involve either creationism or evolution so what’s the problem why are they pushing this? It’s all about pushing a line to enforce the distinction between the religious and the secular, that why.
It goes something like this; Creationism = religion = bad but Evolution = secularism = good.
Next, they want to “reframe patriotism,” by avoiding phrases like God and country, ensure humanist and non-theist chaplains serve in each branch of the military, match biblical or scriptural references with those from nonreligious sources.
Looks like all those warnings about the agenda of the American left were real and they are coming-to-pass, fast, and their motto of; redefine, revise and reduce stands firm.