Plot Twist; or why the Real Patriarchy Gas Lit us.

Ann Carriage
4 min readJul 10, 2024

In a nutshell patriarchy is said to be the preserve of old white men. Not only them of course. It includes young white men who are said to hold on to the same mind set.

While they don’t divulge the precise nature of this mind set, they do use a bunch of vague buzzwords followed by murmurs of; because patriarchy.

We told that such men continue to hold back the progress of women, this despite the huge gains females have made as a group; these past sixty years and counting.

So what did we miss? The take away from their spiel is that we have been constantly lied to. Not only that we have been gas lit.

One form of gas lighting is a bald and false accusation; despite the fact that we can see the evidence to the contrary.

Those who get to define patriarchy talk in riddles. You can just call it revolutionary speak. They love to wax lyrical about old white men dying off and then some.

In reality it is not about a certain group of white men per say but what they represent. These men stand for another culture in a not so long ago time so there is the need to replace them and their world with a whole other way of seeing things. In brief to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Don’t let them hoodwink you with their asinine attempts to skew history; we have NEVER been here before. This is all one big experiment to push the boundaries and tear down limits; and that is it really.

They want to usher in their not so brave new world.

The point is we have the patriarchy figured out all wrong. This means that everything we have been told is wrong.

The feminist movement was hijacked then funded by well- heeled white men; we know for a fact too.

Now for THE question; what if the threat to women is not old men but post- modern men? What if the threat is not from those strong men over there but from these weak men over here?

Has the plan to emasculate men over the past sixty years come full circle with what we see right now as the proof of its rotten fruits?

Shortly after the news of the Bruce/ Caitlin Jenner story some said men now saw that women had many advantages that they did not. Thus it was easier for them to identify as a women to get a pass they otherwise would not have. Let me put it this way; they wanted all the victimhood and/or advantages of being a woman with all the patriarchal power of being a man.

The extreme feminists are prone to feel empathy for such a man as he is their ideal; a kind of neutered male when you think about it. Men who present as women are like their pets. The thing is these handmaidens have a shitload of stuff to take on board. They have to; it comes with the territory. So they go along with it like the good sports they are. Even if it means that they have to reject what their lying eyes tell them.

This of course raises a host of problems that have not been thought through. So they don’t. Think that is.

The big one now is these men are able to self- identify in any way that they choose with sans conditions placed on them.

The term male feminist has been with us for a while and should be a contradiction in terms; yet it is not. That men self-identify like this should suggest that something is wrong. Note that it never works the other way.

Wait; at least not until now. While the women who support the patriarchy don’t go by a name they should be called Trans Inclusionary Extreme Feminist; or TIEF for short.

Then we are left with the TIEFS who support the patriarchy on the one hand; and the TERFS who oppose the patriarchy on the other.

Hang let’s get creative here. Males can either be TIEFS or TERFS as well.

What is also true is that the degenerates as well as the mentally ill also all hang out of this train; to…..who knows where?

This is what happens when a civilization makes room for all of the above. Turning the perverse into a special class is never a good look. Neither is catering to a whole list of malcontents. The thing is if a fish rots from the head down those at the top have been base for what seems like forever. They planned and acquiesced to this state of affairs as they wanted a world in their own image to fit in, all so they would not have to stand out. This is the gist of it; also they love being the wrecking balls in a story where they get to lord it over all.

At the end of the day they shielded from the chaos they work so hard to create.

They refuse to admit it but this patriarchy seems to want to erase women as a sex. If there is any doubt as to what I mean, think surrogacy and artificial wombs. Then there is the high risk to women’s rights. The aim is to push women to one side; and force them to make a gangway for you know who in every facet of life.

You see the TIEFS way back when had a certain goal in mind.

This was to eliminate sex by erasing the lines between what is and the desire to be. When all is said and done it is not just a war on women but on men too.

It is a war against the sexes.



Ann Carriage
Ann Carriage

Written by Ann Carriage

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