Is The DOJ really coming For Trump?

Ann Carriage
2 min readMar 19, 2023

What is really going on here?

Donald Trump has said he expects to be arrested on Tuesday in Manhattan and urges his supporters to get out there and protest.

Here is what we know so far.

The New York City DA has launched an indictment against him on hush money charges. The accuser is Stormy Daniels; a porn star who alleged she had an affair with him in 2016 and that he paid her to keep quiet.

I have to say it; this all appears to be weak sauce and smacks of political opportunism.

It is like someone has said. The US just does not arrest ex- presidents, hell they don’t even arrest sitting ones. And not for charges like this.

So this case is unprecedented but you can be bet on one thing; unprecedented actions in both law and politics are not good news.

They can also mean witch hunts which appears just what this is.

Speaking of which; House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy has asked the House Committees to investigate whether there is a one way witch hunt against Trump.

One legal eagle has suggested Trump should remain in Florida and let New York try and extradite him.

Gov.DeSantis can carry out an investigation of his own to determine if New York has a basis for their actions. So far though he has remained tightlipped on the whole thing.

Now MAGA supporters call on DeSantis to deploy the National Guard to protect Trump; at his Mar-a-Lago residence. They threaten to surround his abode and block traffic.

This petty politicking if this is what it is, and many suspects it is; is a bad look for America.

Many say this action is normal in a country like Venezuela; but suggest it is out of place in America. It reeks of strong armed tactics in other words.

This is what a country does when they want to get rid of the opposition. I’m talking about the real opposition here not those in name only.

It looks as if Trumps refrain of lock her up in reference to Hilary Clinton is coming back to haunt him. It has been replaced by lock him up. The new rallying cry!

Is this what he gets for challenging a Clinton we must wonder?

The question on everyone’s lips right now is how this all will play out.

I guess we will soon see. I’ll catch up with you in the next dramatic chapter.

Until then…….

Some interesting news; Trump supporters have just shut down Fifth Avenue in New York City - just opposite Trump Towers.



Ann Carriage

Political animal, interested in the story behind the story. A concepts driven individual.