In Europe Revolt is In the Air.
In Europe farmers are up in tractors not arms, though the message they sending is clear. Large scale protests by Europe’s fed up farmers show no sign of letting -up anytime soon as more countries join in the fray by the day.
These guys mean business as they cordon of major cities and burn things. What is more they have the backing of the public and many law enforcers sympathetic to their cause.
Compare this with the US where you have the sharp division between the two parties on the one hand; and the administration and their party versus all the rest on the other.
Farmers are protesting against the draconian green laws that have been enacted by their governments all over Europe. They are frustrated as the green goal of nett zero with its strict demands on them ruins their livelihoods more and more.
We hear Paris is running out of food as supermarket stocks run out. Indeed there might just be enough supplies for another two days; with some luck.
Yes they have had enough with the green agenda that is being imposed on them from on high.
They are now targeting the EU headquarters in Brussels as they insist they won’t back down. The seat of the global empire in Europe is being surrounded as we speak.
Wait is there more than meets the eye going on?
With any revolution there may be a spark that sets it off while it may also serve as a cover for hidden grievances. Now is the winter of discontent. And you can bet that it is political.
Here is a list of what is political. Climate change, Ukraine, Government overreach, large scale migration, the economy, NATO, the war on Russia, EU overreach, American policy objectives in Europe; and on and on it goes. These are the things that rile the man on the street while politicians play footsie with the globalists. Things will reach a breaking point though, and probably not long from now.
And why not, once certain demands are met Europe will push for others. This one issue is a big one but it is just the start.
Europeans have no faith in the current political set-up or its leadership; and now we have heard the first warning shot.