First We Make a List
The Trump Accountability Project kicked off a few days ago with a call to shun all political appointees in Donald Trump’s Administration, those who worked his presidential campaigns and his donors.
The Project set up a Twitter account where they air their manifesto but as bad as this all is, instinct suggests it hides more than it lets on.
As it turns out their earlier manifesto was deleted but an intrepid observer retrieved the Google document spreadsheet and posted it to the site.
Here then is the expanded but hidden shunning list:
Individuals appointed by Trump to boards, commissions or the judiciary.
Law firms that worked for Trump’s Campaigns and in his administration.
Individuals who donated money to the Trump campaign and related campaign committees in 2016 and 2020.
Individuals who supported Trump but publicly denounced his campaign and/or Administration prior to Election Day 2020.
Blacklists are an old style Soviet-esque idea that goes something like this; first, we make a list, then we deny those on it access to jobs, purge them from political office and deprive them of influence in broader society; think of cancel culture as its modern counterpart.
The Accountability Project, with links to the Lincoln Project, is endorsed by political groups like Bernie Sanders Democrat Socialists, progressive social justice warriors and Republican never Trumpers but they have one common denominator; they opposed to Trump for sure but it’s his enablers who are in their sights.
It is these people they look to punish for Trump’s so-called sins because they not sure they will be able to hold him to account.
One Twitter supporter of the accountability project summed up the general attitude; never forget this dark time in our history, and those who were complicit in this man’s actions, and those who enabled him.
A reporter from the Washington Post opined about accountability in an article saying; everyone archived should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position, or be accepted into polite society.
She concluded her thinly veiled threat saying, we have a list.
That is not all; Democrat Eric Swalwell has suggested setting up a Presidential Crimes Commission to investigate the role played by Trump’s enablers.
The Trump Accountability website, promoted by former Pete Buttigieg staffer Hari Sevugan has announced it’s no longer active according to one source.