Fear and Loathing in LA.
The title of this piece is a good one I think. One source says anger and resentment are growing in LA in response to the fires. The difference is folks are directing their feels at those in charge this time. This is as it should be. There is the anger; but yes there is the fear too. They seem to go hand in hand in this case. It is all quite understandable.
Actor Denis Quaid summed up the mood of most as he evacuated his home in Brentwood. We all scared as f**ck. Everyone gets that this could wipe all our homes out. Some seniors I know say this is the worst thing to happen to LA in the last seventy years. Well I believe them.
This comes as the fire makes its way to Brentwood, Encino and North LA. Can you believe this? It still burns? The fires are out of control people. It looks like the blaze now nears the San Fernando Valley.
Let me ask this. When does being negligent cross the line? At what stage does it move to being criminal? These types of questions are being asked about the lame duck reaction to the worst wildfires to date. Where to start? Oh I know. How they were not prepared? The list of stuff-ups can be likened to a litany of errors. These are biggies too. It does not add up to small change.
Even the criminal negligence part misses it. We have to ask why; and if it is iffy we have to broaden the scope to this could only have been done on purpose. This might be a credulity problem for some and a lack of it for others. Come on now, how stupid do you think we are shout the skeptics.
It is no time to be coy so let’s call this out for what it is sabotage.
Now for a look at the facts.
First staff numbers were reduced with white males viewed with extreme prejudice. All due to DEI. The gist of it is they did not have the staff to handle a crisis like this one.
Number two they did not have the resources. A lot of equipment was leased out to other countries so they sold themselves short. Make that Ukraine for one. They did not upgrade what they have either.
Number three they did not follow good fire prevention practice. They were warned time and again of the risks posed in not doing so.
Number Four they did not have the water resources to fight the fires. A big reservoir said to hold 117 million gallons of water was out of commission a few months before the wildfires broke out. A scandal don’t you think. The result was there was not enough water pressure in the system to work with.
Then there are stories of broken valves and gas leaks. This is a problem with the gas pipelines. What is not failing?
Number five they were slow to react when the fires first broke out; probably due to all the above and then some.
They took a long time to request back up from the cops when it was needed. A long time passed before they would call in the National Guard too.
They turned down offers of help from other states; and insisted on sticking with their picky rules. Come what may.
They knew the winds were going to be bad but they did not allow for it. Yes it was too late for tears. I am being factious but they did allow for it; just not in the way you think. See all of the above whys. So this was not so much the perfect storm as it was the perfect fire?
So where is this leading you ask. We hear that Newsom wants to bring in smart cities; and have huge apartment blocks replace traditional type housing. What is more this has been signed off on. All they need is the land to build on?
Then there was this talking head on one news channel going on about build back better. I kid you not.
Now there is a report of a white guy on a bike entering the trail head- View ridge and Topanga- with a gas tank on his back.
These types just keep on coming.