Close Encounters of the Supernatural Kind
While many do not believe the supernatural exists plenty of others have experiences that are difficult to discount or just write off with the words; there must be some natural explanation for it, even though we at a loss to explain exactly how that should work.
Skeptics love to rubbish the value of first-hand accounts because it fails to mesh with their worldview even though such testimonies are admissible as evidence in a court of law, sure people can lie or get their story not quite right but that is true of anything and for the court to determine.
Then there is the added pressure of a criminal proceeding rattling the old nerves.
First-hand supernatural accounts are usually dismissed as anecdotal, which of course they are; they lived stories of third parties but that alone does not make them false.
Stories Galore
A teenage girl passed away after the sudden offset and a short battle with Meningitis devastating her family.
She shared the same birthday as her father and they both loved the color purple.
As the family sat outside on the pair’s birthday, a purple balloon appeared in the sky, seemingly out of nowhere, and landed on the chair where she loved to sit.
A neighbor made the heart-wrenching decision to euthanize a beloved, terminally ill cat.
Three days later she saw him walk along the wall just outside the kitchen window and jump onto the roof in slow motion.
Numerous times when she sat outside, she heard the thud of the table he used to land on when jumping from the wall.
Someone else has an even stranger experience: One afternoon she goes out to water the back garden and out of the corner of her eye, she spots a very tall man staring at her from over the wall slightly off left.
She thinks the whole situation is peculiar so cannot see her way clear to look back at him.
Then curiosity gets the better of her so she gives the figure over the wall a sideways glance.
The moment she did so she found herself pulled by an electromagnetic force for an about a yard then whirled around to look at him face to face.
She described herself during this strange encounter as mesmerized in spite of herself, as the stranger almost seems to look right through her.
In a macabre experience, a man working at his computer late at night hears a commotion in the bathroom like things being thrown around.
Then all goes quiet so he turns his attention back to his P.C.
After working for about a minute or so, he gets the feeling of being watched so he quickly turns around to get the shock of his life.
This was no ghost, but something more sinister in his words ‘alien’.
As he stared back at this creature refusing to appear intimidated, it started to reverse back towards the bathroom.
He saw its head peer put of the doorway once then he ran and to the bathroom and switched on the light to discover it had vanished.
Many ordinary people have had some type of supernatural experience in fact it is more common than skeptics think.