Chaos in Cali not letting up. Here is the Latest.
As of now new fires burn as the situation continues to ramp up in Los Angeles.
As if the fires are not bad enough on their own, Cali now has to contend with lawlessness too.
Groups of arsonists are on the prowl and stand ready with matches, blow torches and anything else they can get their hands on. There is talk that lasers could be involved as well but this speaks of a more organized operation at top levels. Then there reports that say these are the works of foreign gangs.
Twenty people have been arrested so far.
One citizen reporter has said that in her area there are reports of an active shooter/s at large.
The CA National Guard is on the way to help LA law enforcement to keep the peace we are told.
Can you believe a private drone has collided with a fire fighting plane? Yes it is true and also a federal crime. Now the plane is out of action due to wing damage. Which goes to prove real life really is stranger than fiction, just who can make this stuff up? The plane is what they call a super scooper.
Now we hear that the crucial California-to Vegas fuel pipeline has been shut down. True to form this news has sparked panic buying and massive lines at Las Vegas gas stations. Yes this is a temporary safety measure.
Just think; all of what we seeing and hearing at this time has happened in less than 48 hours.
Eleven deaths have now been confirmed across LA County.
The Los Angeles Sheriff has announced a curfew from 6pm to 6am for all evacuated areas; and in those areas still plagued by fires starting from tonight. This will be in force until such time as the State of Emergency is lifted.
Meanwhile some man on Fox News LA has used the phrase; ‘build back better’ on the live broadcast.
Hard to fathom he even said that.
Things get more curious all the time in this neck of the woods.
Cali has seen hurricanes of fire now twin fire tornadoes have been spotted and filmed outside the Eaton fire brush in LA.
This is a rare sight in nature especially in such a dense hilltop area.